Here comes the photographs
En Español  

I have been doing some additional modifications to the platform-something that I use in this website because Thingamablog, which was the original system that I had in place, just can't handle galleries, not that I know off, and while I considered to just install a gallery system in here, I do have a certain vision and a set of features that I want in the platform of this website. And as this is my personal website I don't mind taking the time to build the system as I like it, even if it results in longer times to post while I build it.

Anyway, I am now going to have some gallery-like system, nothing too fancy, it is still designed to be easy to use and to allow me to browse it with something like Lynx (tho there wouldn't be images on it, just the alternative texts and captions). I still need to add a lot of captions, and probably squash a bug or two. All of the materials are of course available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, so you are free to use them, modify them, and share them, as long as you give me attribution (a link to this website and my name would be great) and it is made clear that they are still under the same license. Of course, for additional permits you can always contact me.

If you find the materials that I publish valuable, you could support me in many ways, such as sharing my work, giving me a +1, or by contributing a small donation. Why is it everything under a Creative Commons license?, while the reasons are enough for a future post that I am writing as to why do I use Creative Commons, one of the reasons is that this little contributions helped me to travel to Chile, so it is only fair that the contents that I create are not locked down tight, but available for everybody to use.

To everybody who follows the developments of this website, thank you for your patience while I sorted out all of this, and thank you for following me. I have so many stories to tell, and of course, so many technical guides to write, and so many programs to make. But I'll get there =)